Swimming to Increase Your Muscular Strength

Just like any other form of exercise, swimming helps increase the endurance and strength of your muscles at the same time. Depending on how fast or how slow you swim, you can simply build up the strength of your muscles or you can have a good cardiovascular work-out in addition to building muscle strength and endurance. Each time you swim, all the muscles in your body become involved. Reiko Makino lives in California and she is an expert Pilates Instructor. She has designed a unique program to bring a fun, challenging varied workout for you and Reiko believes in the ability of pilates to make you better at everything you do.

The resistance that your body receives as each bodily movement comes into contact with the pool water increases the strength and endurance of your muscles thus you tend to get a lean and fit body regardless of how fast or how many laps you swim in a day.

On the other hand, fitness experts claim that swimming alone is not enough to increase the muscular strength and endurance of the entire body. This is because swimming mostly concentrates on the upper part of the body and not too much on the lower part. In addition, since swimming is a low-impact exercise it is not a great exercise for maintaining bone density but it is great as a rehabilitation exercise.

If you really want to increase your muscular strength, you should also supplement swimming with land-based strength and weight training routines like wide arm press-up, shoulder press, one-arm row, normal fly's, biceps curl, close arm press-ups, tricep dips, lateral raise, breaststroke, reverse fly's, bench press, and tricep kickbacks. 

The other techniques include side-leg raise, wall squat, front raised lunge, standing rear squat, toe touch opposite hand, one-leg squat, moving squats, deep squats, static adductors, pulsing hip extension, pulsing abductors, and bent-leg raises.

Always remember to properly warm-up before beginning a series of exercises or even swimming techniques. Perform land-based exercise routines at least twice a week. In case this is your first time to exercise, allow your body to rest - don't overdo it, if your body feels sore don't perform any exercise routine until the soreness has lessened or is completely gone.

Always make sure that the pool has been treated using pool chemicals and that the appropriate treatment time has elapsed before you begin your swimming routine. Private and public swimming pools do make use of pool chemicals to help maintain the pool in its original state and to keep the water clean and hygienic. There are of course pool filtration systems that help do the job but pool chemicals are the main factors why a pool remains clean and safe to swim in.


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